Sunday, April 21, 2013

senior year, summer and stability

Hello my lovely readers. Sorry I have been M.I.A so much recently, I have been so caught up in school and friends and just trying to get things done! Last weekend, I worked the 8th grade retreat at my church. We went to Camp Copass and just had tons of fun. Sometimes I forget the 8th graders are actually in 8th grade and I treated them like they were sophomores or juniors. It was an amazing experience to seem them open up to God in ways they never thought were possible. This weekend was a busy one filled with dance, friends and laugher. It took my mind off the terrible week I was having. On Friday I had Lariette tryouts. I hate having to tryout for the team every year, but it was my last tryout and that means IM A SENIOR. WaHoO. 63 girls made the team which is so many, but luckily we still only have 5 officers. Saturday I hung out with my academy peeps all day playing sand volleyball, going on adventures, eating at a chinese buffet and hanging by the pool. I love having them in my life and being able to see them everyday and grow close to them. Today was filled with family jokes and church. I love waking up and knowing that my dad is at RCIA, my mom is on the couch and my brother is on the floor ready to give me sports highlights. I have the best family ever! At 3 I went to a meeting for this years Mission trip and it got me so excited. Kurt started talking about memories last year and I cant wait for this year. It is going to be so much fun I cant even describe. After communion at Mass, I went into the other room and prayed alone. I prayed for my friends especially one and just cried, I hate crying especially at church and around people, but clearly it was God's way of showing that I care about him.

I am a little too excited for senior year and summer, AHH

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