Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Random is Good

I've never been one for random things. I love when everthing is planned out. But today I didnt necessarily do that. When I got to school, I had this huge urge to run and it never went away. (side note: I LOVE running, but never do it). As soon as I got home I changed and ran. How ironic that today is earth day too. While I was running I stopped and saw how truly beautiful all the trees were on the path and even stopped to check out the blue bonnets. My random urge turned into a great thing. Now I'm sitting looking out at the water, writing this post on my phone at 3:34 and I'm thankful that this urge came on a day like today despite the heat. 

It is now 3:50, I've chugged a bottle of water and I'm flipping to a random page in my bible. Something I do when I feel the urge to talk to God. I flipped to Luke 6:43-45 It says... 

"A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For people do not pick figs from thorn bushes, nor do they gather grapes from brambles. A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks." 

To me, this is saying that man can be good or bad. We all have evil inside of us, but we also all have good. We are known to be good or bad in our words and actions towards others. 

It is now 4:00 and I'm thank God for this beautiful day. Although I'm sitting on the couch with two fans on, still drinking water, I am completley and utterly content. 
Of course here are pictures of the blue bonnets and the running path. What? They were too beautiful not to take pictures of. Happy Tuesday! 

 The path is just so pretty and green. I just love all the shadows.
 Don't worry! I didn't step on any!!
They are too pretty not to take pictures of!

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