1. Take a breather: Whenever I get seriously stressed, whether that be with schoolwork or just life in general, I stop what I'm doing and just relax. It helps clear my head and gives me the energy to start again.
2. Have a snack: I love snacking. Apples, carrots, and chips are like my go-to snack when I'm stressed and even when I'm not. It helps you re-energize and take a step back.
3. Journal: I do this off and on, but I'm trying to make it an everyday thing because whenever I actually do it, I feel so calm. I write down any thoughts, or feelings I may be having. It doesn't matter if they're positive or negative, it just helps to write down whats going on inside your head. I also write down any ideas I have. Sometimes they're blog post ideas, picture ideas, date ideas, or studying techniques. It has just become something so helpful to me.
4. Watch Netflix: This is one you have to be really careful with. It's hard to not get sucked into the world of Netflix and you often end up watching all day. I sometimes just need to chill from all my school work and such that I'll put on an episode of a show that I've already seen numerous times. For me, it's "Friends" just because I can pretty much quote the entire show and I can stop watching at any point since I know whats going to happen. I also sometimes just watch a few Youtube videos because they often make me laugh or happy.
5. Run: This is literally the last thing I'll try as sad as that sounds HA! This is more of something I'll do when I'm more upset than stressed, but it is good for both. I think a lot of times, running, or even walking, releases all the built up stress we have so it's a really good thing to do.
^ I looked on Pinterest and found a lot more things you can do when you're stressed out, so check them out! It's also where I found the above images.
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