Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Okay so I know I'm not the only one who sometimes scrolls through Facebook, sees an interesting Buzzfeed quiz and gets super excited about the results right? Well, recently I saw one that was something like "What is your personality type?" and I got really intrigued. I am pretty good about knowing how I am in social situations and such, but I wanted a better explanation.

I always find these so interesting because mine are usually dead on an this one was no different. The results state, " You have a GREEN personality! According to Dr. Carol Ritberger, you are generally an upbeat "go with the flow" kind of person. You'er a dreamer, so you love to create. You are fun-loving, optimistic, and a natural motivator. Dr. Ritberger adds that as a Green, you tend to hold a lot of tension in your neck and shoulders. Breathing will release this tension."

It's finny to me how I think most of these things about myself and then I take some silly quiz and they seem to be correct. What are your favorite Buzzfeed quizzes? I'm always looking for fun ones that don't make sense!

Have a great week! Only 3 more weeks left of classes for me! Senior year, I'm coming for ya!!

Also, if this picture doesn't describe my personality enough, I don't know what does. Megan and I are literally dressed as giraffes... haha this was by far the best thing ever of my college life. 

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