Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Faith Testimony

I think I wrote this post like 4 months ago and was waiting for the perfect time to share it. I get really nervous posting things like this, but now feels like a good time. I'm about to lead the Confirmation retreat as an ADULT leader this time and my brother will be on it! Can't wait to see all my 8th graders get confirmed!

My faith journey isn't something I share with most people just randomly. When it has been shared, it's been more of a private thing. I felt comfortable telling those I told, but now I have come to the conclusion that to accept your faith, you have to share it.

I have an aweomse church

YES I am a craddle Catholic. Even though my dad wasn't catholic until recently, I was baptized and raised in the religion. So HA take that random person who told me I wasn't. I attended R.E. until middle school, then took part in the S.A.Y program and moved onto high school ministry, but honestly my faith life didn't take off until my sophomore year when I was getting confirmed.

Yeah, I always turned to God for things and prayed to him and knew he was there, but I didn't understand things the way I do now and I wasn't as 'wowed' by him as I am now.


At my church, when you go through confirmation, to 'pass' you have to do an interview. Some people get super intimidated, but I had prepared and I felt like I was ready. I decided to go with Mary Chapman because I knew her, but we weren't very close YET! s/o to Mary for being awesome. I noticed that everyone before me hadn't done so well so my nerves kicked in.

During my interview, we somehow got on the topic of my faith and what I was feeling. Mary really encouraged me to try to read the bible more often and even write down my thoughts and questions about our faith. To this day, I still do that and keep my journal. I love it, it's awesome.

We also got on the topic of how at the time my dad wasn't Catholic. She asked if I had ever talked to him about it and I really had not, but soon after I was confirmed, my dad surprised my entire family saying that he decided to become Catholic! It was such an amazing thing and it was weird that we had just talked about this in my interview.

That's when everything in my world seemed perfect and I understood that God was awesome and the 'wow' factor suck in. I found friends that hold me accountable in my faith and don't mind talking about it. I started dating someone that didn't go to church every week like I did, but is growing everyday and is very curious about his faith. I lead a S.A.Y group as an adult leader and I get to watch my baby brother grow in his faith. There is nothing better than that.

God has provided me with so much and I wish I had noticed sooner how lucky or the cliche "blessed" I really was. My friends that I have are like no other. The fact that we all have our pizza slice necklace, and call ourselves the 'pizza cult' is so middle school and I LOVE IT. I'm so lucky that these people are in my life.

I encourage all of you readeres to become confident in your faith life and share your story with not only those you love, but everyone. Accept your faith life and share it. You're not going to regret it.

Love, Shan

 When daddy became Catholic.
 Pizza Cult Necklace

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