Friday, August 23, 2013

well hello and happy end of summer!

holy cow!! It has been way too long since I last posted on here and so much has happend! I had an unforgettable summer with my amazing best friends. I had dance until Father's Day, but I still speant a lot of time with friends. Nancy left for 6 weeks and that really sucked, but it made me step outside of my comfrot zone and spend some time with friends who I really missed. The fourth of July was so much fun too! Every year my town has a huge fourth of july celebration on the 3rd of July. Everyone gathers at the park and we set off fireworkds. It's so much fun and I'm glad I got to spend it with a lot of my church friends! This summer I got really close with a few sophomores, Caitlyn, Maddie and Noah. They are the cutest little things and there was a night where me. mack, noah, maddie and joesph went to main event! It was a great night filled with bowling, laser tag and glow in the dark mini golf. While in Laredo, I got really close with Grace, Alyssa and Annemarie! I was already friends with Alyssa and Grace, but now we are even better friends. During the entire week long trip, we walked around doing the Target Lady voice from SNL. I'm sure people got so annyoed, but to us it was the funniest thing ever. I actually lost my voice for a couple of days when we got back and Grace got sick from doing it so much! I also met one of the sweetest people while in Laredo. Annabelle! She is a grade younger than me and we just happend to get really close while on our mission trip! As well as Annabelle and the other three, I got surprisingly close to one of our CORE adult leaders, JP. It was his last thing to do with the church because he was leaving to join the seminary and become a priest. Him leaving was quite upsetting but I wish him the best and I can't wait to see him soon.

A senior gir tradition at my high school is that all the girls make this senior overalls. They are these CRAZY heavy and CRAZY huge decorated overalls. I love mine and I am so excited to wear them! I've always loved OSU, but have never gone on an official tour, this summer I went with my mom cousin and aunt. I fell even more in love and I hope to be there one day soon taking classes.  I also went on Blue Bell tour while in Oklahoma and it was quite possibly one of the best things I have ever done.

I spent the night in Plano at Annemarie's house with Grace and Alyssa and that was an all aroud great night. They really are some of my best friends. Tonight was Mary's 18th birthday!! SHES LEGAL!!! Me, mary, alexa, nancy, hannah and megan all dressed up and went to the Cheesecake Factory in southlake to celebrate! It was a great night and we took some awesome pictures!

Sorry I have been so A-wall this summer! But theres a brief overview of what I did this summer! I hope you all had a great summer too! Below, I'm posting a few pictures (more like A LOT). enjoy! :)

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